I am packing, and packing and packing. During this process, I have found that I am an addict. I have found bags of my guilty pleasure in every nook and cranny of this house. There are Ziploc bags and Rubbermaid containers full. I guess the first step is admitting it... I am a yarn addict.
Now, if anyone of you is a knitter or crocheter, you are probably guilty of having one... a yarn stash. Mine is out of control and I think I need help. I found a six step program online that I am hoping that it will work. http://knitting.about.com/od/knittingskills/a/stash_guilt.htm
Step 1: Get something on the needles. This means actually knitting something. That is the basis of my problem. I want to knit, I love to knit, I just don’t have the time.
Step 2: Practice the one in-one out rule. I have to get rid of a ball if I want to bring in a new one. Nope, not going to happen. How could I possible choose one of these beautifully spun works of art and get rid of it.
Step 3: Go on a diet. Now this I can do, I think. Every time I go to purchase something lately, my first thought is “how much is it going to cost to ship this???’... But, yarn doesn’t weigh much, right?
Step 4: Try a swap. I can’t think of any of yarn I would be willing to give up... so scratch this off the list.
Step 5: Knit more. Now, at first blush, this seems to be the same as Step 1... But, there is a catch. Actually finishing a project. Whoa, that is asking a lot. For every bag of yarn I have, there is a project partly finish. I am a free thinker. I get bored easily. How can I stick with one project when I just found this GORGOUS new yarn?
Step 6: Get over it. Here we go. The perfect solution. My stash brings me happiness, joy if you will. So it is time to accept it and move on.
So there it is again, moving on. Seems to be my motto in life and it is a good one. Maybe I will deal with the stash once I move in to my new home in St. John’s, Newfoundland. I hear there is a support group at the local yarn shop on Wednesday nights... ooh, look... a sale on yarn!!!
When you tell this story in Newfoundland ,they will spin you a bigger yarn.
visiting your from the NL blog roll, have to say, LOVE your header! its amazing
I feel for you. I have a small stash, I think it's been 6 years since I last picked up a set of needles. And I rather suspect I have something unfinished too. Maybe I'll pick it up again in my old age.